
Welcome to the new Young Women Waterbury Ward blog!
Here you can find out about upcoming events, spotlights, color months, and special announcements from our newsletters!
We will also be giving reminders of Personal Progress, special activities for combined Young Men and Young Women.
Please feel free to comment, we love to hear from you!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

New Color for September 2011!

This month we are spotlighting Good Works (Yellow) as are color for this month.  Our new newsletter for September is ready to be printed and we can't wait to see you on Wednesday! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Our New Color For This Month:

Since red represents Individual Worth, all of the achievements we will be making in Personal Progress would be focused on Individual Worth.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Color: It's December!!

Hi Girls! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanks Giving!!

Since it's now December, we have a new color.  BLUE! Our value for this month is Divine Nature.  I hope you guys are now starting a new project for this month's value.  Make sure you speak to your presidency leaders and keep them informed about what you're doing.  

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Young Women Newsletter

November 3rd- Yw in Excellence! Bring a project you've been working on to display, and your Mom and come prepared for some fun!

November 10th~ We are tying blankets to donate!

November 13th~ Stake Dance 7pm at the Stake Center

November 17th~ Combined activity! Young Men are in charge!

November 24th~ No Mutual! Thanksgiving this week!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today Is Young Women In Excellence!!

Hi all of my wonderful Young Women!!! Today is Young Women in Excellence.  Please come in Sunday-dress to look nice for your mother while presenting! Good luck and have fun!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Trunk or Treat!

Hello! For those of you that don't know.  Every year the church has a " Trunk or Treat " and the YW and YM are decorating the down stairs Young Women's room into a BIG, AMAZING, WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC, Maze! 

So, this Wednesday instead of having color night we are going to have the Young Men join us and help us decorate the Young Women's room for the event.  

Along with the maze, we are going to have a station outside the room so that kids could put their hand in a bowl behind a mini curtain (With a bandana covering their eyes so that they can't see) and they could guess what "Body Part" it is.  (WE ARE GOING TO USE FOOD FOR THIS THAT THE YM ARE PROVIDING).  

We all hope that you could make it and it's going to be plenty of fun!  Make sure you dress up in your halloween costume!!